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UTAR Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony for October 2023 Intake

Front row, from left: Dr Leu, Dr Ang, Dr Chong, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Prof Choong, Dr Lee, Dr Ng and Ms Goy with scholarship recipients and parents during the ceremony at Sungai Long Campus.


A total of 876 UTAR October 2023 intake students received internal and external scholarship awards at the Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony for October 2023 Intake. The ceremony was organised by the Department of Scholarships and Financial Aid (DSFA) on 20 November 2023 at Sungai Long Campus and 27 November 2023 at Kampar Campus. A total of 305 schools benefitted from the scholarship awards.

Front row, from left: Mr Tan, Mr Lim, Dr Ling, Dr Tan, Prof Dato’ Ewe, Prof Choong, Dr Lee and Dr Peter Tan with scholarship recipients and parents during the ceremony at Kampar Campus.

Prof Dato’ Ewe wishing the recipients a bright future ahead.

Present at the ceremony were UTAR President Ir Prof Dato’ Dr Ewe Hong Tat. In his remarks, Prof Dato’ Ewe said, “The scholarships are not only a reward for the recipients’ diligent efforts, but also a responsibility to leverage their education for positive societal impact. We hope the recipients will be inspired to continue their educational journey, maintaining a focus on academic excellence and giving their best for a fulfilling university education and experience. Success is measured by the positive impacts one has on the others. At UTAR, we encourage the students to contribute their efforts in their chosen areas. By doing so, we hope that they would treat it as a way of learning and extending themselves further into other areas as well as contribute back to society.”

He added, “As of October 2023, UTAR has awarded over RM190 million as internal scholarships and over RM15.3 million as internal loans to more than 20,000 students. UTAR receives proposals from external donors to provide zero-interest loans for students. Most of the time, the donors expect only kindness from the recipients, as they wish the recipients to have a worry-free education experience without financial burdens. As a university by the people, for the people, UTAR wishes the same as the donors. We hope the recipients will remember the assistance received from the donors. Hopefully, when you are successful in your careers, you could also consider contributing back to society and helping others in your own ways.”

Disney Quah expressing her gratitude to UTAR.

CFS Foundation in Arts student, Disney Quah, who is a recipient of the UTAR Scholarship for Top Achievers said, “This scholarship goes beyond finance; it is about hard work, dedication, and giving back to society. I want to thank UTAR for its commitment to academic excellence and its support for students like me. I am grateful for this opportunity and pledge to make the best of it. Congratulations to all scholarship recipients, and thank you UTAR for believing in us. Together, we fight for academic excellence and walk toward a better world.”

Miki expressing her wish to wholeheartedly explore her university life.

LKC FES Bachelor of Science (Honours) Quantity Surveying student Yeo Dun Sheng, the recipient of the Yayasan Gamuda Scholarship, said in his speech, “Being a scholarship recipient, I was genuinely honoured and privileged. Indeed, I was grateful for an opportunity to explore the marvel of knowledge acquisition. Besides providing me with a new vision of fixating on my educational goal, the scholarship helps me to relate myself to this new digital world, especially in terms of human relations and future career undertaking.”

As a recipient of the UTAR Scholarship for Top Achievers, CFS Foundation in Science student Miki Ikoma was grateful for the opportunity, saying, “This scholarship has not only allowed me to explore the marvel and knowledge acquisition, but also given me a fresh perspective on pursuing my educational aspirations. Besides, it has equipped me with the necessary skills to navigate the ever-evolving digital world and prepare for my future career. Despite being a fresh UTAR student, I am determined to discover my full potential and define my value in life. Therefore, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to UTAR for generously opening up a new door to my next aspiring academic journey.”

Emmanuel Joe conveying his euphoria and sense of responsibility upon receiving the scholarship.

FBF Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management student, Emmanuel Joe Stephen Ravi Sankar, who is a recipient of the Yayasan Gamuda Scholarship said, “Receiving the scholarship was an indescribable moment for me. The flood of emotions, from joy and gratitude to a profound sense of responsibility, is something I will carry with me throughout my academic journey. It is not just a financial support system; it represents a vote of confidence in my potential and a belief in the power of education to transform lives. Beyond the financial relief, this scholarship has opened doors to a world of opportunities that I might not have otherwise accessed. It has empowered me to fully engage in my academic pursuits without burden from financial constraints, and allowed me to focus on honing my skills and knowledge.”

Prof Dato’ Ewe (right) presenting scholarships to the student recipients at Sungai Long Campus.

Student recipients and parents taking group photographs with Prof Dato’ Ewe at Sungai Long Campus.

Prof Dato’ Ewe (left) presenting scholarships to the student recipients at Kampar Campus.

Student recipients taking group photographs with Prof Dato’ Ewe at Kampar Campus.

Gratitude and congratulatory video messages from the scholarship recipients, recipients’ families and various UTAR deans and directors were also played at the ceremony. In the video, an array of emotions from the recipients was recorded, from gratitude for receiving an education without financial concern to excitement for the potential opportunities in the future.

Online Education Fair 线上教育展
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
拉曼大学 (優大)


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