Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to announce that the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Faculty of Science and the Centre for Agriculture and Food Research (CAFR) are organising the ‘EduFun AgriMicrob Science Holiday Workshop Series II’. The workshop is specially-curated for upper secondary school students (Form 4, 5 and 6 students) and high school leavers. The purpose of this workshop is to inculcate the interest in life sciences and provide a great opportunity for them to gain a full hands-on experience in agronomy, animal science, aquaculture and microbiology.
The event is sponsored by Edubest Plantation Holdings Sdn Bhd, QL Corporate Services Sdn Bhd, Sepang Today Aquaculture Centre (STAC) and Greencom Biotech Sdn Bhd.
The details of the EduFun AgriMicrob Science Holiday Workshop are as follows:
Date: 28 and 29 December 2022, (Wednesday and Thursday)
Time: 9 am – 5 pm
Venue: Faculty of Science, UTAR, Kampar Campus
Registration fee: RM 60/pax (meals are provided). Seats are limited on a first come first served basis.
Deadline for registration: 30 November 2022
Hurry up! Register now with us!
Registration link:
For more information, please contact:
Dr Lam Ming Quan at
Dr Ong Mei Kying at
Note: Accommodation is not provided. Terms & conditions apply.
Brought to you by,
UTAR, Faculty of Science
Centre for Agriculture and Food Research
Online Education Fair 线上教育展
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)