Professor Dato’ Dr. Hassan Said, Vice Chancellor, Taylor’s University (LEFT) and Professor Iven Mareels, Dean, School of Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia exchange documents during the recent signing ceremony at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus
Taylor’s engineering students can now graduate with a Masters from the prestigious Australian university
A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between Taylor’s University and The University of Melbourne that paves the road for students from Taylor’s to graduate with a Masters of Engineering from the prestigious Australian university, was signed recently at Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus.
The MoA provisions that students from Taylor’s School of Engineering (SOE) can transfer to The University of Melbourne in a 2+1+2 transfer option, whereby the first two years can be completed at Taylor’s University and the final three years at The University of Melbourne. The students will ultimately graduate with a Masters of Engineering, with the option of majoring in Chemical, Mechanical or Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
Taylor’s University Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Dato’ Dr. Hassan Said, and Dean of the School of Engineering, from The University of Melbourne, Professor Iven Mareels, signed the memorandum. Present to witness the signing was Associate Professor Dr. Mushtak Al-Atabi, Dean of Taylor’s SOE.
Professor Dato’ Dr. Hassan Said asserted that the MoA will reinforce the quality of the Engineering programmes offered by Taylor’s.
“The University of Melbourne is renowned for having cutting edge teaching and research facilities that are used to provide a world educational experience to engineering students. This collaboration creates an avenue for both universities to exchange knowledge and expertise in the field of engineering,” said the Vice Chancellor.
Taylor’s SOE is renowned for its Project-Based Learning approach, placing strong emphasis on application and research skills to develop innovative ways of thinking. Since their first year of studies, students are taught and exposed to industrial challenges and ways to create solutions to real world problems. The students are strongly encouraged to exercise their technical knowledge and skills through various Engineering projects offered by the school. These projects are then featured at the annual Taylor’s Engineering Fair.
Taylor’s SOE is also the only higher education institution in Malaysia which is a member of the prestigious CDIO (Conceive- Design- Implement- Operate) Initiative, spearheaded by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States.
Professor Iven Mareels expressed his delight with the collaboration between both universities. “The University of Melbourne looks forward to a fruitful collaboration with one of the leading Malaysian private universities. I strongly believe that this partnership between Taylor’s and The University of Melbourne will be a forward moving step towards full research-based learning.”
About Taylor’s School of Engineering (SOE)
Taylor’s School of Engineering offers a four-year degree programme in three disciplines, namely the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering. These programmes are approved by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).