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Students organise cancer awareness campaign

Students organise cancer awareness campaign

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) has organised the ‘Jom Botak’ or ‘Let’s Go Bald for Cancer Campaign’ in support of cancer awareness and fundraising.

This student led event was organised by Action with Compassion and Empathy Soceity (ACE). According to Liew Kah Hoong, President of the ACE Society, the purpose of the project is to raise funds for the National Cancer Council (MAKNA).

“As a sign of our support, we would like our staff and students to understand the challenges faced by cancer patients when they lose their hair during their treatment.

“Personally it is also an achievement for us to have a female participant, Adelinda Woo, who is neither staff nor a student – but she travelled some 50 kilometers to part with her long hair” Liew said.

40 staff and students met at the Dato’ Sir Colin Campbell Student Association Building at UNMC on November 29 to have their heads shaved in support of the campaign.

Amongst them were Dr. Kenny Wong, Assistant Professor at Nottingham University Business School who said, “If shaving my hair can help to raise money for a good cause like this, I don’t see any reason for not doing it. I would also like to encourage more people to participate to support this noble cause to fight cancer and I have to admit that it is a great feeling too.”

Other participants were the Student Association Manager Gerard Aloysius Francis, Dr. Pek Chuen Khee, Assistant Professor at Nottingham University Business School and students Sattyam Pillay Veerapen, Jayson Chia Jun-Kuen, Tan Der Jiunn, Chen Yen Shan, Dexter Yu Wen Yin, Len Chun Keat, Clarence Ang, Nicholas Lim Ca Tou, Jonathan Yeoh Chong Yoong, Azim Akbar, Liew Kah Hoong and Dharsshen Chandrasegaran.

The campaign involved a “Go Bald Auction” which was opened for members of staff and students who are head of societies at UNMC. The participants were required to be included in an auction list with a pre determined price tag. When the said auction amount had been reached, the participant shaved his or her head. The “Go Bald Challenge” was open to all staff and students. The participants could go bald for a minimum of a RM15 donation to MAKNA.

The campaign raised a total of RM 3,500 which will be presented to MAKNA in a cheque presentation ceremony. An exhibition was also held from 27th to 28th to raise awareness of cancer and o entice people to take part in the event .

For more information on the National Cancer Council and other Jom Botak Campaigns, please consult: http://www.makna.org.my/ and http://www.jombotak.makna.my/

For more information on courses offered at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, please consult www.nottingham.edu.my or email: enquiries@nottingham.edu.my.

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