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會計學教授在哪裡? Hi Miss, do you know where I can meet the accounting teacher?

Welcome to the college life!

My answer is I have no clue…
There are hundreds of professors in the university.
My advice is make sure you know how to contact the teacher every first class.

Nowadays there is always an easy way to contact each other. (e.g. what’s app, FB..etc.)
However, as I know, in Taiwan, most of the college professors use email.
So, let’s start with getting used to what professors do.

When you would like to meet the professors, you need to make a reservation.
The university professors have their own office room (or research room), so you would probably meet or have a discussion there. Thus, you need to collect the information such as where the professor’s office room is as well. Moreover, if the professor mentions their office hours, it means the time that the professor is certainly available.

Want to meet your professors? Write an email and arrange it now!

Being a diligent student who is eager to the knowledge, I paid attention to all this related information in the first class, because I know I will have questions afterwards.
Yeah, and remember the professors are not always at their research room waiting for you! Book a time! The college professors are as free as the students.

It is the difference between high school and college.
Get ready and enjoy the college life.

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Email: [email protected]

Online Education Fair 线上教育展
Providence University


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