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January 2015
March 2015
UNMC Open Day
Dear Student The Open Day is your chance to discover more about studying at UNMC. With a range of talks, demonstrations and tours to choose from, you can tailor the day to suit your interests. The Open Day will be on 14th March (Saturday) from 9.30am–3.30pm Our recruitment team, admissions officers, members of academic staff and current students will be on hand to talk about our programmes, answer your questions and to help you fill in an application. Students who…
Find out more »MIA Open Day
Do you aspire to be an artist, a designer or even a musician? Visit us during our Open Day to discover a whole new experience of getting in touch with your inner artistic excellence. At MIA, we train you to Reveal Your Creative Self! Date: 21 & 22 March 2015 Time: 9.30am to 4pm Venue: MIA Multi-purpose Hall 294 – 299, Jalan Bandar 11, Taman Melawati, 53100 Kuala Lumpur. Open Day Highlights Art & Design Exhibition Counselling Sessions Career Talk…
Find out more »Reliance College Open Day
Complete your Degree in a UK University with only RM20,000. Scholarships & loans are available! Find out more at Reliance College Open Day at Southgate Sg. Besi, KL. *28 & 29 March 2015 (Sat & Sun) *4 & 5 April 2015 (Sat & Sun) From 10am - 4pm. We can be reached at 03.9222.5555 /
Find out more »April 2015
Welcome to Dasein Info Day
假如你即将开展一段充满挑战的旅程。出发前你会怎样预备?你的背包里会放什么东西? Imagine you are about to start a journey full of challenges. How would you prepare? What would you pack in your backpack? 达尔尚艺术学院 开放日,精彩节目等你发掘!详情欢迎游览达尔尚艺术学院网页 (或面子书Dasein Art。 More programmes of Dasein Academy of Art info day are waiting for you to explore! You are most welcome to check out our website ( or our official facebook Dasein Art for more details. 开放日体验活动 Info Day Experience Activities 墙上好声音 I Project Connects: Interactive Piano 3D 全息图 I Hologram 学生动画制作鉴赏 I Student Showcase:Animation…
Find out more »你不可以错过的专业会计师课程咨询日!和ACCA代表和LSBF新加坡院校代表一同见面@Fortrust Education JB
想知道如何能够成为一名专业会计师?为什么会计是学生们的热门首选?想有机会和特许公认会计师公会 (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, ACCA) 代表和英国伦敦商业金融学院 (London School of Business and Finance, LSBF) 新加坡院校代表一同见面? 这是一个千载难逢的机会!无论你是在就读着会计文凭课程,还是即将报读任何会计课程你都可以在咨询日得到答案。 问与答/ Q&A Q: ACCA是什么组织? A: 特许公认会计师公会(The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants),简称ACCA,是得到皇家特许(Royal Charter)銜頭的英国四大擁有法定權力会计师公會之一,也是世界上其中一個最著名的会计师專業團體。同時特许公认会计师公会亦是国际会计准则理事会(IASB)和国际会计师联合会(IFAC)的创始成员。 现時全球170多个国家和地区有超过14万名ACCA会员和42.4万名学生会员。 Q: 为什么选择 LSBF A: 英国伦敦商业金融学院(London School of Business and Finance, LSBF) 是一所规模庞大、享负盛名,并得到英国皇室(肯特郡迈克尔亲王)全力支持的商业管理类院校,目前已经成为全世界发展最快的商学院之一。 英国、新加坡、加拿大等地的多个校区吸引了来自世界上120多个国家的3万8000多名学生慕名前来学习,学校也在全球12个城市设立了办公机构。 依托全球视野,英国伦敦商业金融学院的课程都是为学生的职业需求而量身定制的,这也使得学校在商业教学领域领先一步。学校更是凭借其高质量的教育,近年来荣膺多个奖项,其中包括了2013年的英国女王企业奖。 Q: 他们怎么说? Q: 为什么新加坡? A:新加坡是国际级水平的教育圣地,以其国际都市化的活力和大众闻名的旅游景点而闻名,新加坡还拥有世界一流 的学校,学院,大学和其他教育机构。并列全球经济强国之中,新加坡拥有许多顶 级跨国公司,为其造就了丰富的商业和就业机会。正是因为这样,很多有抱负的学 生选择新加坡作为完成高等教育的首选地。
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