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Curtin Sarawak School of Business hosting sustainability assessment workshop

Dr Des Klass to facilitate sustainability assessment workshop on 3 December

Dr Des Klass to facilitate sustainability assessment workshop on 3 December

Miri – 22 November 2010 – As a sequel to its 2-day in-house Year-End Conference, the School of Business at Curtin University, Sarawak Malaysia (Curtin Sarawak) will be hosting a half-day sustainability assessment workshop on ‘Building Multi Criteria Decision Making Models for Sustainability Assessment’ on 3 December 2010.

The workshop will be facilitated by Dr Des Klass, an associate professor at the Curtin Business Graduate School (CGSB) in Perth, Western Australia, who is also co-principal of the Centre for Innovation in Decision Quality there.

The workshop will provide participants with first-hand ‘how to’ information to help develop sustainability assessment models.

Dean of the School of Business, Shamsul Kamariah Abdullah, said the workshop is timely as sustainability issues have become prominent on corporate agendas and new demands are placed on companies and their leadership to consider the long-term impact of short-term decisions, as well as the effects of strategies, practices and outcomes on external stakeholders.

She added that companies face the daunting task of integrating sustainability into the management and operations of businesses.

“We are most pleased that Dr Klass is able to come and lead the workshop. He is no stranger to the corporate decision-making culture as he consults for industry and was special advisor to the multibillion dollar Woodside Browse LNG development project in Western Australia,” said Dr Pauline Ho, School of Business R&D Coordinator.

According to Dr Ho, Dr Klass will take participants of the workshop through the necessary steps needed to ensure proper sustainability assessment.

Registration for the workshop will commence at 8.30 am on 3 December 2010, while the workshop itself will start at 9.00 am. The venue for the workshop will be the LTBS1 lecture theatre, Heron 2 (John Curtin Building).

The workshop is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative by Curtin Sarawak and is open to members of the public at no charge. All companies with interests in business sustainability are encouraged to participate by registering with Fidella Tiew at +60 85 443 123 or by e-mailing her at fidella.t@curtin.edu.my before 29 November 2010.

For more information on the workshop, contact Dr Pauline Ho at +60 85 445 002 or Shamsul Kamariah Abdullah at +60 85 443 841.

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